Saturday 6 August 2011

I'm Wondering

piNky LuCiA said...
hmm,, tapi jarang isteri setuju nak di madukan,.. =P
Mr K said...
@Lucia - Aku pernah jumpa perempuan yang rela dimadukan. Dengan syarat, dia isteri pertama. :)

I’m wondering whether Mr. K dah penah jumpa aku atau ada perempuan laen yang berfikiran sama macam aku. If that so, great minds think alike. HAHA

The thing is. I don’t know how’s the hampeh I could be thinking like that. Observation maybe. All this while aku bercakap based on observation and experience.

Kamonlaaa, that is not the end of the world. We could gain a lot of advantages for sure.

1. Allah menjanjikan payung emas for all wife that allows her husband get married again. (Edited: Man, I dont think you guys could use this alasan because no payung emas at all, gotta dig more hadis sahih pertaining to this matter. But, as I grow wiser after 10 years this entry was written, yeah. No payung emas)
2. Get new bestie and mengeratkan silaturrahim with the new family. Yelah, for sure la bila korang dapat ‘honey’ mesti nak berkenal-kenalan. Ada sesi ta’aruf bagai…
3. Protect gurls’ dignity. Yup… For sure maruah seseorang perempuan akan terjaga bila dilindungi oleh kaum Adam. 
4. Prevent divorce cases. As you all know, kes cerai berlambak-lambak sekarang ni. Bukankah cerai adalah perkara halal yang dibenci oleh Allah? 
5. Kalau sesak-sesak sikit, bleh pinjam duit kat ‘honey’ korang tu. Syok ape… Takpayah la nak pegi pajak gadai. Kan bagus kalau we could help each other? Hoho. 
6. Melipatkaligandakan amalan-amalan jariah. For example, bersedekah. At least, mati nanti… Adelah bahagian untuk kita.

(Edited: Aku taktau ape aku fikir 10 tahun lepas. Kalau yang betul dan relevan pun, nombor 2 dengan nombor 4 je. Yang lain lain, bullshit)

Hence, for all the first wife yang cun-cun sume, kamonlaaa. Let it be. This is not the end of the world. InnaALLAH ha ma’ana… La tahzan. Janganla bersedih andai manusia berpaling daripada kamu. Sebaliknya, sedihlah sekiranya kita berada jauh daripada lembayung rahmat Allah. Trust me. Sebab Dia adalah pemilik segala cinta.
So when the time gets hard 
There's no way to turn 
As He promised
He will always be there 
To bless us with His love and His mercy 
Cuz as He promised
He will always be there 
He's always watching us, guiding us 
And He knows what's in our little hearts 
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn 
Cuz as He promised
He will always be there
He brings us out from the darkness into the light 
Subhanallah capable of everything 
Shouldn't never feel afraid of anything 
As long as we follow His guidance all the way
Through our short time we have in this life
Soon it will all be over 
And we'll be in His heaven and we'll all be fine

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