Friday 2 December 2011

So long, and goodbye.


Wani suka MCR. Helena, I'm not okay, I dont love you, Welcome to the black parade. And many more. Tapi, I love Helena the most. So, at the previous time... kalau jumpa Wani, our password is HELENA!

Kalau dengan Fatin Nabilah, our password is A Walk To Remember.

Kalau password kat rumah Along, Musang berekor sembilan.

Then, the most incredible password yang feymes dilaungkan sekitar territory aku sekarang ialah :

"Kata sang ulat bulu,
yang punya kaki seribu,
siapa jumpa kakiku.
Jikalau tak dapat,
terpaksa ku melompat,
dengan seribu kurang satu"

Hoi hoi...gembira betul nyanyi lagu ulat bulu.

Actually, kita hidup kat dunia ni, untuk apa? I mean like..we're still breathing for what reason?
Sebab parents? Family? Friends? Kucing jiran sebelah? Diri sendiri? Happiness? Dreams? Interest? Ambition? Or

"Beribu kali kau ungkapkan kata sayang padaku, namun tak sekalipun kau kata kau cinta padaku" -Haime.
Ohh come on la...what the hell with those sayang and cinta. In English, sayang and cinta still bring the same definition, same word whereas el lo vi ee...

Kata-kata orang bijak pandai, ambition comes first and love would be the second. Tapi, macam salah je. Love comes first and ambition would be the second. How come we could achieve our own ambition when we just not even once to fall in love with our ambition. Macam Miss P. She really really love her dream, ambition...even the thing is not yet realized, apa salahnya. It is not illegal to live in our own dream, ambition, wishes, hopes.
Well for Miss P, may ALLAH bless your dreams.

"Kalau kita benar-benar mahukan sesuatu secara IKHLAS, satu alam semesta akan berpakat untuk realisasikannya" -OK-
Again, aku buat entry yang takde kene mengene langsung dengan title. Haha. Tapi, anggaplah ini semua satu ilusi. Perdevilkan title kat atas tu.

Apa yang so long sangat kan. Longing for what, or for who? Orang cakap, longing ada relation dengan love. maybe sebab both of them begin with L, O..? I guess so.
Sometimes, even without voice, it still could be considered as love. Yelah, kalau tak..tak adil untuk orang-orang bisu. Unfair! Unjust!
One more thing, bercinta tak semestinya memiliki kan. Let say that you love someone, but that 'superpoyos' one leave you for someone better. Hence, what else you could ever do?

So long and goodbye then.

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